The second season of the animated series focused on everyone’s favorite Mogwai has a new name. Today, Max released a teaser trailer that revealed that season two of the show is titled Gremlins: The Wild Batch. The first season was called Gremlins: Secret of the Mogwai, and took place in 1920s Shanghai.
The upcoming episodes pick up after the events in Secret of the Mogwai but still takes place well before 1984’s Gremlins.
Here’s the official logline for season two of the show:
Izaac Wang and Gabrielle Nevaeh are back again voicing young Sam and Elle respectively, as is A.J. LoCascio, who voices Gizmo. Other returning voice cast members include Ming-Na Wen as Fong Wing, James Hong as Grandpa, and BD Wong as Hong Wing. Max also promises there will be exciting guest stars, who will be announced at a later date.
Check out the teaser trailer below, which admittedly doesn’t reveal much other than the show’s new title and that season two will premiere on Max sometime this fall.